Wake Up With Jonathan Papelbon Getting Tossed For Grabbing His Junk

Man I forgot about the tantrums and things Jonathan Papelbon used to do. Here he was leaving the game and getting booed by his own fans and he grabs his dick and adjusts himself. He just happen to be staring down the fans and doing it right at them. Absolutely shocking that Joe West didn't like that and waddled over to the dugout and calmly tossed Papelbon out. As is tradition, Jonathan blew up, got in West's face and then West actually grabs him and pushes Pap. Ummm, Mr West, what about the cruelty to umpires? Players should have worn a white wristband after this incident. Should he have grabbed his dick? Nah, but kicking him out? Thats a bit much. But it's no surprise to anyone that Joe West made this about himself. Thank you for your service, Mr West.

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